Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.
Legal Marijuana Entrepreneurs Know Where to Invest
Well, this is brilliant! Yesterday afternoon I got word about a DC-based company called HighSpeed. As reported by dcist, HighSpeed is “an on-demand cannabis and cold pressed juice delivery startup” branching into the D.C. market from Oakland, California. Here’s how it works: you order juice on a sliding scale and get cannabis as a “gift.”…
What’s In Your Weed?
It takes some time to find your favorite type of dispensary once you learn that there are different types of growers with a wide variety of prices and products. It can be hard to differentiate which growers are skilled and which growers methodically apply chemicals, pesticides and flavor enhancers. Skilled growers really know how to interpret…
Quality and Price of Weed
Wines grown in soils of certain chemical composition, as influenced by the seasons, weather patterns and local influences, are known to translate into certain vintages. Cheeses from regions where the geography produces especially abundant and lush foliage for hillside grazing for continual years until an inevitable drought. All products grown in nature are subject to…
Ways to get into The WEED Business
As with any burgeoning industry, the most exciting aspect is how inspiring the opportunity can be for innovation. The Cannabis Industry is of course no exception. This year’s Indo Expo in Denver was a prime showcase opportunity for companies showing off their inspiration and innovation for improving efficiencies and finding creative ways to support the…
What Is The Future Of Marijuana Delivery in California?
On March 2 this year, members of Women Grow from San Diego hosted an interesting panel. It delivered to a crowd of market experts and hopefuls three different viewpoints on the future of marijuana delivery in California. Moderated by Attorney Kimberly Simms, a legal expert on the state’s cannabis laws, they heard from Mike Mattarocchi,…
How to start a Cannabis Restaurant
Steve Horwitz had aspirations of opening Medical Marijuana restaurant in Denver, he did, but with new on-site consumption laws he was forced to pivot to selling edibles for take away service. Recently last November, voters in Denver approved Initiative 300, which will allow for the social consumption of marijuana in public places, in accordance with state law…
Speed Weed: California’s best, most highly rated medical marijuana delivery service
Gino & AJ are the owners of Speedweed
He’s a marijuana consultant; He invests in the industry
Featured guests: Cannabis consultant Will Evans and Canopy Boulder managing director Micah Tapman.
The Whole Foods of Pot – Why organic local marijuana is the future
It’s Time to Invest in Organic Marijuana. That’s what the good people over at WealthDaily.com have an interesting article about how to invest in Public Marijuana companies. I think there is also opportunity in the local markets too, organically grown product has to be much like the high end wine, where certain brands will be…
Is recreational cannabis killing the medical marijuana movement?
Cannabist Show: He’s a pot data guru; She brings weed to big screen
The Marijuana Industry’s Energy Footprint is Growing
Got any book recommendations?